Thursday, March 3, 2016

My First Medal (Indonesian Science Project Olympiad)

Hello. It's been a long time I've never written in this blog. I'd been busy for months because I joined Indonesian Science Project Olympiad (ISPO). I joined this competition with my partner, Nanda. Our idea is "Puriviera Water Filter" and it is in Environment Field.This competition isn't as easy as you think. You've to persevere and work hard. Also, you need to focus on your project. You must have a good time-management in dividing your school time and research.

There have been lots of obstacles and problems on the way of the research. Fight with your partner, lots of homework, many exams, tired, sick, those all are some of them. You have to do more research about your project. You have to make the report. It was depressing honestly. But, all those hard works had been paid off. I won a silver medal. First, among 500 projects, 75 were selected. Among 75 finalists, there were many fields such as tech, biology, chemistry, environment, physics, and computer. Mine is categorized as environment. There were 23 contestants in the environment field. I'm so grateful because I'm the 2nd winner among 23 contestants in Indonesia.

Me (right) and Nanda (left)

Honestly, I often got angry and disappointed with my partner. However, I'm still glad because she is also my bestfriend and our plus score us our good coordination. 

The 8th ISPO was established in Semesta BBS, which is my current high school.

We were wearing Dayak Traditional Cloth because my hometown is Balikpapan.

Because our project was announced as the winner, we are facing on the next challenge in Thailand. The competition itself is named ASPC (Asian Science Project Competition). Wish us luck!

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